Are you stuck in a silo or are you thinking outside the box?

Think outside the box

Too often our thinking is confined to silos of how it’s ‘always done’ and we get stuck on the negatives of why it can’t be done differently. We are contained by an ever-increasing administrative workload no matter our function when, more than ever, we need to grasp new ideas and concepts, test the water and have courage to trial new and different ways of thinking.

How do you encourage your buyers to take time to really understand their business? Are they bogged down in daily routine that prevents them from being creative?

The best buyers are the ones who look ahead, foresee trends and embrace the future. Can you honestly say that happens in your buying/ procurement teams?

Do you invest in the right stock at the right time fulfilling demand efficiently or do you replenish generically?

If any of these questions make you think about the need for change then let me help you embrace that thought.

With over 30 years’ experience I can help your buying teams focus, prioritise and develop their thinking of how the category looks for the future. I can help streamline the business ensuring you invest in areas that both matter and affect your bottom line.

I will assist in creating a vision for the future growth of the team and the business.

Contact me for a chat and a coffee